
The Rumskulla oak is an oak tree (Quercus robur) near Norra Kvill National Park in Rumskulla, Sweden. Also known as Kvilleken, it is the oldest oak in Sweden and one of the largest trees in Scandinavia, It’s age has been guessed to be around a thousand years, but like all old oak trees, the tree has a hollow trunk, so it is impossible to determine its age by simply counting tree rings.
Approaching with gentle steps we arrived early in the morning with nobody around (exept for cows) the first thing you notice is that the majestic trees health has been deteriorating in the last years, and it has only a single branch of green leaves left.
It stood with dignity while we documented, understanding that we would use the material with pure intentions. While it feels that the tree is reaching the end of its days here on earth, it didnt seem like it was sorry to leave.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 1 synthesiser. Recording date 12.8.2018.
Kongeegen, also known as the King oak, grows on the island of Sjælland, in Jægerspris North Forest. Some researchers estimate it to be 1400-1900 years old, making it the oldest living oak in northern Europe.
The taller trees around Kongeegen are slowly killing it, the grow site was originally an open meadow, which accounts for the short trunk and the low branches.
While Kongeegen was slowly rotting away, there was nothing sad or unnatural about the event, we spend the day documenting it, the tree didn’t seem to mind us being there, and we had a great time.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 1 synthesiser. Recording date 14.8.2018.

Pando is a clonal colony of Aspen trees, the plant is located in Fishlake National Forest in Utah. Pando has a root system estimated to be nearly 80,000 years old, it is among the oldest of all living organisms, also, it is estimated to weigh collectively 6,000,000 kilograms, making it the heaviest known organism in the world.
Pando’s deep roots have allowed it to survive thousands of years, thru fires, droughts, and diseases, now it is in serious threat by human activities and radical climate change, and is thougth to be slowly dying.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 10.10.2018.

Hyperion is a coastal redwood growing in the Redwood National Park in Northern California, it is measured at 115.92 m, which makes it the world’s tallest living tree.
Hyperion grows in a remote corner of the park, and it was not easy finding it, the location of the tree is kept secret by the forest service to prevent vandalism.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 22.10.2018.
Methuselah is a 4,850-year old Great Basin bristlecone pine growing in the White Mountains of eastern California. It is, at the moment, the world's oldest living non-clonal organism.
Methuselah grows 10,000 ft above sea level in the arid mountain soil, a far from optimal climate for an organism to reach such an old age.
The location is kept secret by the forest service to prevent vandalism, but somehow we found our way and reached the tree early in the morning, the freezing cold wind was blowing our faces off, but we didn’t mind, it felt like being in the precence of an old friend.
(In 2012, there was a possible discovery of an even older tree in the same area, the whereabouts of this still unnamed tree is highly guarded.)
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 25.10.2018.

Patriarch is the worlds largest brisstlecone pine. Approximately 1500 years old, it grows in the Inyo National forest in the Northern California Sierra nevada mountains.
11,000 ft above sea level the air is thin and the trees are old, not much can survive this arid
and windy climate.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 25.10.2018.

Newton's Apple Tree
A Flower of Kent tree (Malus Pumila) is still alive at Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire, England, which is the ancestral home of Sir Isaac Newton.
Descendants and clones of the famous tree have since spread around the world. The tree we documented grows in Koishikawa Gardens, Tokyo, Japan.
This is a recording of the tree using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 21.3.2019.

This Hibakujumoku tree grows 1120 meters from the hypocenter in the north-east corner of the Hiroshima Castle. The tree is leaning towards the hypocenter, and burn marks are still visible on its trunk. It has lost many branches over time but yet has a very peaceful presence.
The recording of the tree was made using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 8.3.2019.

This Hibakujumoku tree grows 740 meters from the hypocenter just inside the Hiroshima Castle walls. It is a tall and impressive tree with branches that almost touch the ground. We spend a good part of an afternoon with the tree and watch tourists come and go. We wonder how well do people know about these trees.
The recording of the tree was made using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 7.3.2019.

Pussy Willow
This Hibakujumoku tree grows 750 meters from the hypocenter by the Hiroshima Castle walls. It is located across the moat from the eucalyptus. Around the tree there are many poles that are supporting its branches. The tree also has a sort of blanket carefully wrapped around its trunk. It is a good reminder of tender care these trees are receiving.
The recording of the tree was made using the Prometheus 2 synthesiser. Recording date 8.3.2019.

Kainulaisen petäjä
Kainulaisen petäjä is also known as Lönnrotin petäjä. This pine is located in a small Hummovaara village in Kesälahti, Finland. It is an old sacrifice tree of Kainulainen family. Juhana Kainulainen was a great 'tietäjä', a seer, wise man or literally 'knower’. Tietäjä is a magically powerful figure in traditional Finno-Karelian culture, whose supernatural powers arise from his great knowledge.
In the summer of 1828 Elias Lönnrot, a philologist and poetry collector, visited Juhana Kainulainen. For two days Kainulainen sang verses, poems and spells under his pine tree, and Lönnrot listened and collected everything. Later these songs became a significant part of the Kalevala, the national epic of Finland and Karelia.
In the summer of 2019 the pine was surrounded by a flowering meadow and a peaceful atmosphere, and it felt easy to forget that 200 years had already passed.
The recording of the tree was made with the Prometheus 3 synthesiser.

Old Tjikko
Old Tjikko grows on top of Fulufjället Mountain in Dalarna, Sweden. Tjikko is an European spruce and a clonal tree. The now visible tree is relatively young but it is estimated that the root system has been growing soon after the last ice age making Tjikko 9550 years old.
The storm was building up when we started the hike towards the top of Fulufjället. We were the only ones heading up, all the other hikers were descending the mountain. About half way up it started to rain and we had to stop and seek shelter from a hut. We waited and clouds passed. We reached Old Tjikko in the evening, sky was still gloomy and winds were loud. It is no wonder that parts of Old Tjikko grow in a krummholz formation.
The recording was made using the Prometheus 3 synthesiser.